Thursday, October 11, 2012

a perfect autumn weekend: part I

My big brother's wedding was last weekend at a beautiful Winery/ Orchard in Massachusetts called Nashoba Valley Winery.  They have an amazing restaurant on the premises which acted as the reception location and also the site of the wedding ceremony (due to the threat of rain).  It was by far the perfect venue for a Autumn wedding.   Even though I was in the wedding, I didn't let it stop me from snapping a few photographs when I had the chance.  I particularly love the images of my sister-in-law, Cynthia, and her niece before the ceremony.  Her niece had tripped on the stairs and Cynthia held her and comforted until all her tears had dried up.  It just seemed like such a calm, peaceful moment before she headed down the stairs to marry my brother and I'm so glad I had my camera on hand to capture it.  I also had to the opportunity to snap a few photos while Cynthia had her makeup done.  Her other little niece was there as well and I just couldn't resist snapping some photos of her adorable self in between snapping photos of Cynthia.  It was a fantastic wedding, very intimate and cozy... just what I love! 

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